L6: Prescott Summer Series #1
June 21 - June 22
$45Welcome to Prescott Arizona, this event will be a two day event held at Prescott High School with a 2 match each day guarantee. Please register early as we expect the draws to fill quickly with the great weather in Prescott. Please book hotels early also as they often fill during the summer months. Prizes will be awarded to first and second place in each draw.
Come to the cooler summer weather in Prescott, AZ and enjoy some fun competitive junior match play. This tournament is for players looking to start competing at the sanctioned level and meet new players from other areas.
Tournament will be played at the Prescott High School newly completed tennis complex. Based on number of entries and potential inclement weather matches may go into the evening. The courts have brand new lights.
1050 Ruth St, Prescott, AZ 86301
* Courts are located on Ruth St. Accross from the Hillside Church of God.