Jana Perpich named first Southwest President from NAZ

Jana Perpich became USTA Southwest Section (SWS) president in January, 2024. She is the first person from northern Arizona to become the SWS president in the over 100 year existence of the section.
Jana has served in every SWS board capacity over the past eight years including treasurer, secretary and twice as vice president. She was the driving individual behind the formation of the Northern Arizona Region (NAZ) in the late 1990’s and has served as its president for at least 7 years in that time.
She has been the driving force behind the FACTS program (Families and Teachers Teaming for Students) which has taught the lifetime sport of tennis to tens of thousands of elementary, intermediate, high school, home school and native American students in the Flagstaff Unified School District for the past 18 years. While the tennis teachers were paid for their time, Jana’s time for securing grants from various entities, securing equipment and the hiring and scheduling of the staff were all volunteer for this entire time.
Jana has a true love of our sport and we are all grateful and appreciative of her selfless efficiency in accomplishing her tasks and all the while with a cheerful, optimistic outlook.  
We are all cheering for Jana’s continued success and are very proud to say that she is our SWS president and the first from northern Arizona!

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