Mixed Doubles Invitational Recap

Northern Arizona USTA presented another new play opportunity for all tennis players January 6th-7th. In preparation for inclement weather in NAZ in January, the indoor courts at Northern Arizona University were utilized for this event. Saturday went off without a hitch while all 18 mixed doubles teams were able to get in their two matches.

The next day mother nature had another plan and the snow came in pretty heavy in the morning hours. Adjustments were made and very few players said they couldn’t make it back to play. All rounds ended up getting played and 3 champion teams were crowned victorious in their respective divisions. There were so many close matches and overall great competition. World Tennis Numbers (WTNs) are getting a lot more accurate and this is leading to better all around competition in these types of events. The other great thing about events like this is it can incorporate junior and adult players together.

Congratulations to Coleman Welch/Laura Nicol, August Fahy/Grace Kim, and Matt Holt/Johanna Cook- Champions in their divisions.

Hope to see everyone out on the courts at the next event and THANK YOU to all that participated and helped make it a blast!

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